Monday, January 14, 2013

Ford-sponsored poll finds 35% of Europeans say they would spend more for an environmentally friendly car

Ford-sponsored poll finds 35% of Europeans say they would spend more for an environmentally friendly car

One in three Europeans would spend more to buy an environmentally friendly car even though 71% say they have reduced overall spending as a result of the economic recession, according to a Ford Motor Company-sponsored poll.

The survey also shows 53% consider climate change to be the world?s biggest issue and 57% would prefer to lead a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Ford commissioned the survey through ?The Futures Company,? a leading consultancy, to better understand the opinions and attitudes of Europeans across a range of mobility issues?from car sharing to green driving to the future of the internal combustion engine.

The survey shows that for 71%, fuel-efficiency is a major factor in choosing a car; 60% prefer to choose models from carmakers that have targeted a reduction in their environmental impact; and 68% consider fuel-efficiency when driving.


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